Seven siblings... Seven blogs.... over Seven days...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nothing like a good book!

Normally every year, come fall, I'm really drained and almost sluggish... It's depressing too! I know it takes a little to adjust to the time/weather change, but I think my hate for really cold weather and snow adds to this sluggishness. I remember last year thinking, next year is going to be different! And it is! I can actually wake up earlier... which I hope that keeps up! I've set some goals and am working towards those and just over all happy with my life!
One of those goals is to read more. And not just read more, but read more books that will help me in some way! I use to *hate* reading. I actually didn't read one book all through high school! I would start them, or try and start them at least, and just have any interest at all, and toss it somewhere.
I have a new found love for reading. It's some how relaxing. I am currently reading 3 books! "The Love of her Life" By: Harriot Evans, "Eat Pray Love" By: Elizabeth Gilbert (the movie comes out this month on dvd! Yah!) and "The Five Love Languages" By: Gary Chapman! What a mix hu? All are very good books! "The Love of Her Life" is about a girl named Katie Miller! It's a very catchy, motivating book! "Eat Pray Love" is just amazing and makes me want to travel even more than I already do! It really has me intrigued in how other religions/beliefs pray. I have just begun "The Five Love Languages"!
"The Five Love Languages" is what I wanted to dig into a little bit in this blog. I chose this book not only because I have heard a lot about it, but also because I thought it would be a challenge for me. I'm always up for a challenge, something to make me want to change the way I am or the way I think about something. I am only on the third chapter, but I am already having a "battle" with it. It talks about how the "honeymoon" stage only last up to 2 years, and that the "in love feeling" isn't real. I really don't agree with these statements (and a few others that are tied in i.e. "One who is in love is not genuinely interested in fostering the personal growth of the other person"... maybe they mean "infatuated"?)). Sure, you aren't going to feel that "in love" feeling EVERY day, and WHO would be in love with some one and NOT want to be after your loves best interest and WANT to see that person grow?? I have seen couples through out my life that are in their latter years in life and still crazy in love.
I.E. when I was 17 I had to have emergency surgery. I don't remember everything about that experience; However, I remember being taken into the hospital (from dad's car) in a wheelchair by this older lanky, but well dressed man. I remember him stopping at the front desk to "check in" and find out what room I needed to go to. He walked in front of me and looked down the hall and blew a kiss. I couldn't see who it was to, but he walked back over and said "that was to the love of my life... my wife". I remember, as much pain as I was in, smiling and thinking "That's so sweet! There's hope!" He went on to tell me that they had been married for 50 some years and he's still crazy about her like when he first met her. {Bam! Myth breaker! haha}
I really don't think that people can write books as if everyone is the same and it's a fact or the only way of life! I'm a little sceptical about reading the rest of this based on what I have read so far... Should I finish it?

Happy Hump Day!!!! Wynsten is getting so big!!!

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