Seven siblings... Seven blogs.... over Seven days...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Random Ramblings

-- Yes, I am fully aware that Michigan lost on Saturday. However, this does not give you a licence to treat me as your verbal punching bag all day Monday. Especially if you have no connection to MSU whatsoever.

-- Dear people who drive too slow in the fast lane, I just want you to know you've failed in all of your years of driving to be considerate of everyone else on the road. Congrats!

-- Autumn in Michigan is >>> than Autumn anywhere else on the planet.

-- I'm convinced that a cold Cherry Coke Zero could possibly end the Arab/Israeli conflict. What? It's not like anything else has worked.

-- All other candy bars probably go to sleep with Milky Way pajamas on.

-- Whoever keeps coming into my house and leaving dirty dishes in the sink, if you could just let there be ONE day without dishes, I would be overjoyed.

-- Did you see the Lions won? I'm pretty sure that the Apocolypse can't be far behind.

Yup, that's it for this week. Feel free to comment and argue. I'm in a feisty mood today

See ya next week,


  1. Well Dave, I realize it is no longer Tuesday so you may no longer be in a fiesty mood, however here is my argument: Diet Mt. Dew over Cherry Coke Zero. Ooooh, I hope your blood vessels are popping out on your forehead!

  2. hahah I love the randomness.... hmm as for an argument... maybe I could get into one about the candy bars wearing Milky Way pjs? :P

  3. oooh me too.... candy bars definitely wear Snickers pajamas... or maybe peanut butter M&Ms... YUM!!! If you bring me some I may keep doing the dishes (which, I might add, you have not touched in the last 2 days.. thanks to that awesome wife you have :P)

  4. Thanks for doing the dishes baby. I'll keep doing all of the laundry. (do you even know how to work our machine?)

  5. You do all the laundry, hu? Is that why Noah's bedding is STILL in the dryer? The bedding that *I* put into the washer thank-you-very-much! Peanut Butter M&Ms.....

  6. Do I need to call Dr.Phil on you two?

  7. HAHA! Yaaah for Snickers and peanut butter M&Ms!!!
