Seven siblings... Seven blogs.... over Seven days...

Monday, October 11, 2010

What a Great Way to Start a Monday...

Hey Ya'll!
Wow...what a week last week. I am so grateful that it is OVER!! Stress and I may be best friends, but we don't work very well together! Unfortunately, I am a person that works the best with receiving encouragement from others around me. Other than Holly last week, I had none. That was really really hard for me. I called my mom one night last week and was planning on moving home within the next two days. There was a situation and I had no energy, motivation, or even the care to "work it out". God had another plan though, so I'm still in Georgia.

The students that I've become friends with absolutely rock! Their personalities are hilarious and their love for God still blows my mind. A lot of them have been through situations that break my heart and I can't even imagine going through them myself. They are one strong group of people!

God has also been teaching me a lot. I won't lie, half of the stuff I didn't want to learn, and a lot of the things I need to change, I don't want to! I am working really hard to differentiate between what GOD thinks and says about me and what people tell me. God does it with such grace, its easy to change things for Him. Well, easier I should say. My sarcasm has got to go. I've known that for awhile, but now it's time to kick it's butt! My attitude also needs a bit of editing, which is in the process currently =) I'm excited for all these changes, even though they aren't ALL easy, I know that God's doing it for my own benefit! I love having someone that adores me THIS much!!

I'm also now praying about signing up for the Basic Leadership School in March. I think it would be a really good experience for me. I have leadership qualities, but I don't want to be just any leader, I want to be a leader that God designs! I want to submit to Him so that He can show me how to love and lead whoever He guides me to.

And for a final note, I will add random facts about my week.

1. I had to get woken up today by a leader because I overslept by an hour, whoops!

2. Only 38 days until I fly home to my awesome family and friends!

3. I'm out of Vitamin Water (BOOOOOO!!!!!)

4. I have enough money to pay my rent for this month and next unless some emergency comes up (GO GOD!!!!)

5. The grass is still green today.

6. I was told today to tell all the blasted flies to go to hell...haven't tried that one yet though

7. I love the number 7, so we're going to stop on it.

I hope you all have a wonderful week and I will be back on next Monday!!



  1. Han.... *whistle*.... you know you are there for a reason =D You must not (what's the abbreviation for that?? haha) come home!!! (and I will call our mother and let her know not to allow that :P) haha. I actually CAN say I know what it's like to be at YWAM and want to come home!!!! *charlie* haha. Hang in there!!! You will find many blessings along the way and have an experience most people won't ever get to have!! MISS YOU!!! *WHISTLE!!!!!*
