Seven siblings... Seven blogs.... over Seven days...

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Hello? Any one there??

So.... today is technically "my day", so I'm here blogging. I kind of fell off blogging regularly (well on this blog anyways, you can get on board with my blog!! Look me up!!) because no one was really keeping up with it or commenting, or interacting.... so it wasn't so fun! But maybe we can all get back on board? I really like to keep in touch and hear about what everyone is doing and/or excited about things approaching!
With that being said... I will tell you guys a little of what's new with me and what I've been up to the last few weeks!
First of all.... a few weeks ago Wynsten decided to EAT a "chew" toy. I woke up in the middle of the night to something wet touching my foot... naaasty!!!!
Sit up and look and it's dog puke!!! Of course I blamed Mitch's dog first! Haha! (but in my defense she IS normally the one that pukes) and then I look around and my dog is laying next to me but he's like shaking. I'm kind of out of it so I look around... look down and see more puke on the floor... I get up and Wynsten follows me with his ears down like he's in trouble. He puked in the other room too... I come back in the bedroom and see what was left of the toy all over the floor. I felt so bad for him! It made him so sick!! I tried to get him to drink water... he just kept puking. After a few hours of dealing with that, he got on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket and fell asleep, poor baby!
Let's see... what else has happened! Oh yah! Mitch's birthday was last week, well like 2 weeks ago now! I kept asking him what he wanted to do.. he didn't know... didn't know... so I told him we would just open gifts and then go see a band or something fun. Meanwhile I got in touch with all of his friends and told them they should meet us out and surprise him! I felt really bad, we met up on his bday (he got the day off) for lunch at Dos, while we are there his friends are texting him AND ME. They told him they couldn't make it out for his bday haha! He looked so bummed, it was hard for me not to just tell him they were coming out!!! But it all ended up FUN! We got birthday hats, a cake and beads! We had fun! He was so surprised when some of his friends knocked on the door and then when we got to Esquire there were more people waiting! We all had a good time and he was surprised! Success!!
More recent news, TODAY, I woke up to a 800 number phone call! I normally don't get those!! And if I do, I DON'T pick up! But for some reason I did today.... it was Chase... calling to ask me/tell me there had been fraudulent activity on my account!!!!!! Um... ok, I'm thinking... I jump up and look in my wallet for my card even though I KNOW I just used it last night! (I was going to call them today anyway because the ATM told me that they couldn't read my card... I thought I just needed a new one!) Yup, it's there! I have it! They proceed to tell me that someone used it at a Shell Gas Station.... in Louisiana! After a few hours of figuring things out, come to find out, they actually made a duplicate credit card and put all my information on it. They encrypted it and everything! What pros!!! Haha. UGH!!!!
On a more exciting note, we're going to MARDI GRAS!!!!! this weekend!!! I'm so excited!! Becki is coming down from Chicago, there's going to be a group of us! We plan on staying at the Renaissance and going to breakfast at the rotating restaurant! I'm super excited for that too! It will be a nice little mini vaca/get away this weekend!
That's the short version of all the craziness going on in my life these days!! Hope you all are enjoying your lives, and if not, making changes to get there!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Im Back...

Well I know its not my day, but i figured that since i havent posted in a few weeks that it was time to get back into the blogging world.

Basketball season is over.....I hate that. I hate losing and it usually bugs me for a few days and then I will figure out what we do next, because if you wait to long, you are already behind other teams who are prepping for next year. I do know we will be back next year and I hope we gained alittle respect this season, but if we didnt that will be on everyone else, We know how good we will be.

Well thats It, I was just taking time to say Im back and I know you all missed me LOL


Thursday, February 03, 2011

The world continues...

Haha, I almost titled this "The World Turns".... made me think of that dumb show "As the World Turns". I remember watching that, well it being on tv around lunch time as I was growing up. I still look back... and even at "reality" shows today i.e. Jersey Shore, and think "WHAT THE HECK????". So Johnny tried to get me to watch JS! He kept buggin me, asking me when I was going to get on board. I'm not much of a tv watcher, at all really. I never really have been. I have always felt like it was a waste of time, energy that I could be actually doing *something* with my life or doing something to better my life... my wardrobe, something! Anything!
After finally giving in and taking a night out of my busy life to watch JS, all my thoughts and assumptions that I have had my entire life proved to be TRUE! The show started at 9pm (I believe) and I think I was done watching it by 9:15pm. I could just feel my brain cells disintegrating! I really can't understand why people watch shows like that. I realize I am in the minority here, because obviously there are millions out there that continually watch these reality shows.... from even when I was young. I just can't jump on that train! I can't justify sitting there for even an hour a night and put all that garbage in my head when there is so much to do with life!
Enough about that..... but thanks Johnny for the effort! haha
So as my title says... the world continues today. It's been pretty crazy weather here in IL. (for those of you who don't live around here). I'm blogging today because my work was actually closed yesterday and I attempted to get online at Mitch's house, but the satellite was covered with snow/ice so I couldn't stay online for any length of time! It was really frustrating! So.. here I am today, getting my blog entry in! I still had to have my car pushed out today too! Ugh! I hate IL weather.... I hate snow!!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Prince Charming

Well I know I am late yet again, but atleast Im not a week late this time, like last week. It was a busy week last week with 4 Basketball games on the road and by the time Saturday came and went I was just way to tired to Blog. Well here I am at it again.

Tonight's blog is probably going to have alot of ranting in it, so if you dont like rants or people on their Soap Box's then I'll save you the time and you can go ahead and click off of My blog and I wont feel one bit offended. You never know though, I may bring up a topic that you have also wanted to rant about but never did, so you could miss something important.

Tonight's first rant is in the title. Prince Charming. I hear alot about these women who are always looking for Prince Charming and never being able to find him. They have looked high and far, long and wide and nothing, Just a bunch of losers who are not the Prince Charming they are looking for. Here is a pic of Prince Charming below:

This of course is a Knight going off to save not only the Kingdom but also the Princess. Recently though, Im tired of being Prince charming only to not be "Good" enough to be Prince Charming. Follow me for a min. Seems Ive always been the Good/Nice/Call anytime etc. Type of Guy. But yet then I get to hear about how They( that being females) are still looking for Prince Charming. WELL HELLO!!!!! he is right under your nose there Princess. I also have come to the conclusion that some women really dont want a Prince Charming. I say this because when they get or find one, they then decide to treat him like Shit. (Sorry, Poop just didnt have the same affect) I just dont get it. Maybe its also about not knowing you have something so good until its Gone, Well Hello, wake up and smell the Coffee, No guy who isnt interested is just going to do anything just cause. There has to be something there , although thats not in all cases, I myself have helped people because it was how I was raised, It takes alot for me to say No, Matter-of-Fact I dont think i have said No in a long time, Maybe I should try it more often so that then Women will see that they do have a Prince Charming right in Front of them, if only they would give him a chance.
Well I think that it going to be my only rant tonight, I feel that if i continue on I will lose more of you then I already have, Im sure some of you still think that you Want a Prince Charming, but in reality you only want one when it's convienant for you to have one, Kind of like some toys, you only bring them out to play when there is nothing else to do, once you find something else to do, back into the toy box you go.
Tonight we lost our Basketball game and for those who know me, know I HATE losing, Which is prolly what as brought this rant on. Also I didnt feel or have the energy to rant about IL basketball atm so I will keep that until tomorrow when they will more then likely lose again.
So I leave you with a Song that I enjoy and I will see you all next week if not sooner

Monday, January 24, 2011

Not my day.... but hey!

So I have been a blogging fool lately! Haha, I love it! It's kind of like the new FB! =D Speaking of that, have you guys watched "The Social Network"? It's a good movie! Some of it seems unreal, how things happened, but I watched a show on it the other night and I guess it's all true! Crazy! If you haven't seen it you should watch it!
I really just wanted to get on here and say how disappointed and MAD I am about the IL game Saturday!!!! Ya know, I don't mind if a team is good and wins because they play that good and they deserve it! HOWEVER I DO MIND if they win because bad calls were made... which is what happened with OH/IL game Saturday! 5 bad calls in a row! It's a shame! They should do all the reviews of that game and FIRE the refs! Grrr! I was mad all day (and maybe still am a little lol) about it! I hope those refs couldn't sleep Saturday night!
So yah, I know it's not "my day" to blog, but I needed to say "hey"! =) Hope you guys are having a great Monday!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A little late is never too late, right!?

Today is Thursday, not "my day" to blog! But I thought that I would get a post in before IT IS "too late"! Haha. While typing that title in I kind of realized that I have that mentality a lot. I'm late a lot! I'm late to work (almost every day!) It's a shame, I know. But it's *really* hard when you know nothing is going to happen and you're not really missing anything, to get up earlier than your body wants to... just to "be there on time". I have been sick for almost 10 days! (crazy, I know, however, I don't want to waste the time/money to go see a doc for him to tell me that I have symptoms of the flu and I need to 1. take it easy and rest 2. take vitamin C 3. be easy on foods, try soup till you feel better, when I can google all that and take care of it myself!) I'm actually feeling better today. I came to work yesterday and honestly thought that I was going to end up having to go home because I still felt so bad. Today I'm at work, and feeling quite a bit better than I did yesterday and have talked to quite a few people today who have pretty much gone through the same thing as me (being sick for 10 days and feeling horrible). I was pretty upset that I missed watching the bears game because I just couldn't get myself up and ready. Props to them on the WIN though! I can't wait to watch the game next week! It's going to be awesome! But anyways back to me being late all the time... I really need to work on that! I was on time today for the first time in like 2 weeks!!
Well it's about coffee to water switch.... I only drink one cup of coffee a day and half way through the day I switch to water... so I'm off to get my water!

Laundry Doesn't Belong in a Bathtub...just sayin'


I'm back :) Since the holidays are over (which I hope were happy for everyone!!), I figured my excuses for not blogging are done for as well. Although, I have to say, I think I'm busier now than I was over the holidays! Which kind of leads me back to the title....

Last weekend, our washing machine just randomly quit working.... in the middle of the rinse cycle of a huge load of our kids' clothes.... So, after wringing out the clothes in the downstairs bathtub with Dave, I got my dad on the phone and proceeded to delve into unknown waters by taking apart random parts of the machine, per my dad's instructions....

Now, I have to say, for a girl, I'm pretty handy...but staring at a disorganized mess of tangled and bundled wires was a bit much for me... especially while getting instructions over the phone without having anything written or visual to guide me (VERY visual learner, here...) So, after awhile, I handed the reigns over to Dave...then we worked together for awhile.... and finally came to the conclusion with my dad that we would have to call someone...

Then came the trouble with deciding whether we should risk wasting money on having someone come out--just to tell us we needed a new one, or just go ahead and buy a new one...which is where we still are 5 days later... (to be fair, first thing Monday morning, Dave was ordered to drop his job and take on a huge project that has kind of thrown us off-balance...but more about that in a few!)

So, in the meantime, I've been doing laundry in the bathtub... I know I could go to a laundromat, or have it done at the cleaners, and we have had several friends very kindly offer the use of their washers, but...I have to admit, I actually don't mind doing it...Other than jeans, which are impossible to wring out (which our friends SO kindly let us wash at their house!!), it's super easy, and doesn't take much time (a major benefit to the mini-loads I usually do). I have a whole new respect for women who used to *always* have to wash their laundry by hand (although, if I lived back then, I definitely would have had servants to do my laundry...just sayin)

Don't get me wrong, I plan on getting a new washing machine (I'm not insane...), but until next week when we either get a new one delivered, or get someone out here to look at it... I'll just go on with my bad Victorian-era self :)

So back to Dave's fun work situation.... I won't even try to get into the whole explanation since this is already getting long.... but basically, it involves Dave being in training all day most days...getting lunch whenever they say, for however long they say, instead of coming home at the same time for lunch everyday....and staying at least an hour late everyday. The biggest kicker is that, after spending the last I-don't-know-how-many years being able to text throughout the day, all of the sudden we can't.... and it has really sucked. I didn't realize I was so dependent on our conversations throughout the day!!

 Needless to say, I am horrible at dealing with change, and for the first day and a half, wasn't too gracious about it all... But then I put it into perspective, in comparison to the rest of my life (this project is only supposed to--unrealisically, according to Dave--last until I'm crossing my fingers!!), and realized I can probably survive :) So my goal is to make Dave's life at home as easy as possible while work is so insane and to NOT COMPLAIN....I so do not want to be the nagging wife Proverbs talks wish me luck!!! :)

Time to go.... until next week! :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Getting back in routine!

I haven't blogged in weeks...sorry! I moved home, then the holidays hit, then I forgot one week, then I was sick. blaaaaah! Now getting back on track, though!
I love being at home so far, although it is hard adjusting to living with mostly guys again. I miss having girls around!

I have so much peace now, I know I made the right decision! Most of you know I did not have peace while I was in Georgia. I kept praying about what to do, and it was clear I needed to come home! Certain situations definitely made that decision easier, which kind of sucks. I almost wish it would've been harder =/. I love the thought of YWAM and the way Loren designed it to be! I'm definitely not ruling out going back at some point, but I will most likely be going to a base closer to home.

God has done so much in me since I've been home, I can't imagine missing it! I am now confident in who I am, not just ok with who I am. I can't please everyone, and that's totally ok =]. God has shown me exactly how "ok" I shouldn't be, and that I should be excited about who I am - He made me this way on purpose! He has also been so awesome about showing me that I am totally fine on my own! I don't need a man to complete, God does that and will always do that. I went through a rough week a couple weeks ago. It felt like Satan was constantly throwing in my face that I was alone and that wasn't ok. I was desperate just to get away from it! I really feel like God and I got SO close and intense that week because every time I had a negative thought or feeling, I would cry out to God and ask for His help. Normally, I wouldve turned to friends for reassurance. But, God made sure every single one of them was busy =] Yeah it was a tough week, but the result was AMAZING, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I'm currently waiting to hear back about a job, babysitting a 6 month old baby girl! I am really excited about it and I hope it works out! I need to do something, my life is starting to get boring =p. However, if that does not work out, I will continue looking until I get a job!

Something else that's sister convinced me to RUN a 5K with her at the end of April. I do not run. We both have started training though, and surprisingly, I love it! My brother goes with me and runs next to me, which is very helpful and encouraging! I am going to do this thing, no walking involved =D

Ok, I think thats the extent of the busyness in my life! Hopefully, I'll be back on next week! I hope you all are doing wonderful!!


Sunday, January 16, 2011


Well this is late, its now 1:05 am which means its Sunday. The problem is I cant think of anything to say, Its been a good week overall, basketball is doing good, Bears play tomorrow and other then that all seems "normal" Im still trying to figure out whats next in this life for me. Also trying to figure out how to Love myself again and Letting God fill the voids that only he can fill. Always easier said then done. Well if i can think of more tomorrow i will post then since it seems we have some holes in our 7 days lol Hope you all have a great week!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

High on life

This is one of my favourite (this is what spell check KEEPS changing my "favorite to! hmph!!) quotes! And I made it up! "High on life". There really is no way to describe the feeling you get when everything is good and you're happy! (well in my opinion) I really wanted to make this post yellow, but it's quite blinding! Ha.
I have not only pulled through my "Christmas Blues"!! Yaah! Looking back, I *still* don't really understand WHY Christmas season is such a depression for me, but I'm so thankful I got through it though and am back to the high energy Katie and planning all sorts of fun things to do and accomplish this year! i.e. planning a short vacation for the end of February to go to WI. Dells and go go-carting and a few other things! I'm excited!

I was listening to Pandora today at work and heard a song that really clicked with me today. "Dare You To Move" By: Switchfoot. I have always loved this band and this song! It really made me think today and challenge myself. "I dare you to move, I dare you to life yourself up off the floor, I dare you to move like today never happened". This was both motivating and encouraging (I know close in meaning) to me. Act like all the bad things that have happened, never happened. Act like today (when bad things happen, thoughts, feelings ect) didn't happen! Start new each day! I dare you to move! The part where he says "pick yourself up off the floor" made me think of someone having a bad day/break down and just laying on the floor with no motivation to move and he's saying I dare you to move! Make the best of your life! And that's my challenge to myself, and to you! I dare you to move! Pick yourself up off the floor and move like today never happened!
I hope you all are well and in high spirits now that the holidays are over!!!

Sunday, January 09, 2011


Well first off Sorry this is onto Sunday's blog post, but tonight was a long night. Tonight we played a home game against a Class 2A school. I think that they thought they would just come into Judah Christian School and beat up on some small Class A school and get a easy win. Well that didnt happen. It was one of the most physical games Ive ever been apart of. Seems The refs couldnt blow their whistles when they needed to and when they did blow them, no one could understand why. Long story short, we only ended up losing 1 tooth and some bruises, but let this serve notice to anyone who thinks that they are just going to come into Judah Christian and bully us , Its not going to happen. We are going to play just as hard if not harder and we will protect our Homecourt.

On a side note for the Coach of the other team, who for their sake i wont post here, lemme set you straight on the record, I know you know we are a GREAT team, but we are only 15-0 at home, but thanks, we will be 16-0 after the next home game we play. So before you want to get all loud and say that the only reason we are 16-0 at home is because our fans defend our players, take a close look at what our record really is. And yes I will look at the film and see what players went onto the court, but when i do that ill make sure to send you a personal copy of the incident where your player not only kicked my player but also pushed another one to the ground.

As you can tell im still fired up about this game. I hate it when teams think we are just going to roll over and play dead.

Great Wins Guys and I did this all in purple for Judah. Go Tribe!!!


ps- This game was posted online, if anyone can find it could you let me know ? Thanks

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Soup & Bread

Today I am in a kinda blah/gloomy mood! I woke up today... well my alarm went off at 7:23am (I always set it for a weird time so when I hear my alarm and look at the clock it kind of catches me off guard so I think I'm late lol). I didn't actually get out of bed until probably 7:55! I had to take Wynsten out and then shower, and then feed him, and then get ready... sigh... then I realized my boots were in the car.... and I still needed coffee... and I had 3 mins to get to work! Story of my life! haha
So since I HAD to go to work today... yes I'm pouting.... I'm sitting in my office with my space heater on and my door shut... every leave me alone! Yah! =D
I realized today that I like HOT soup and COLD bread! I left my lunch in my car due to my crazy morning, so my bread was *really* cold! I have always put my bread in the oven! I love toasted bread! Yum! But today I realized I really like COLD bread!
This year is a year of excitement for me! I can't wait to see how many goals I can accomplish! One of the things I started this year was my own blog! You guys should follow me!! =D

Hope that link works! If not, you can find it on my fb profile! Hope you all are excited about this year! I haven't heard any ones New Years Resolutions!? I want to know!!

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Day 1 of 2011

Well First off I want to say Happy New Year!!! I hope everyone had a safe and happy new year's. Funny how things work out since im the oldest of this group of 7 that I get to post the First Blog of the New Year!

I do hope that 2011 is better then 2010. I know i have alot of friends who agree with me on this topic. Im hopeful that there will be less people i know who die, less friends who i know who file for divorce and less hardships on my friends and people i know as well. I know There will be hardships, but i also know that WE will make it through them. One way or another we will become stronger for them.

This past week has been fun as well. Its always fun when my family gets together. I must say as much as ive wanted to be an only child at times, there is nothing better then being the oldest of 6 with a brother-inlaw and a niece and nephew all under one roof. It just makes family complete. I wouldnt know what to do if i didnt have siblings. There would be no one to trash talk to over a game of spades or watching an 2 1/2 hr long movie only for everyone to agree at the end we should of stopped it 15 mins in. Side Note ( dont watch WallStreet 2)

It was fun to have both my sister and her 2 kids stay the week between christmas and New years. Also good to have Dave too, but he had to go back to work. After playing with my nephew for sometime, he had gone to bed, it reminded me that I could of had a son who was 6 months older then him. I know it wasnt in the plans and thats why i dont, but it made me think, wow we really would of had a house full then. Im grateful for the Family I do have and I pray we are continuly blessed in 2011.

So who has any New Year resolutions? Me? I dont make any. Although I do think that this is going to be a great year, I pray that as I begin a new journy in life, that I can give up control and just listen and go where I am suppose to go. I know that God has plans for me and I dont think nursing is in his Plans. You can only be Jonah for so long before you have to realize that God wants to use you in ways that even if he told you, you wouldnt believe. ( I believe thats in the book of Malachi) So here goes nothing to 2011 and I wish you all the best of 2011 !


ps-Sorry no video this week, I'll get back to that next week!