Sunday, November 28, 2010
To My Mom
Well today it just so happens to be my mom's birthday. There is no need to tell of her age, just know that today is her day. My mom is very special to me and is important to all of us. When i say US, i do mean her 6 kids, but i also mean that for anyone she has come into contact with. My mom has the soul of an angel and she is not only a great mom and grand mother to my nephew and niece but she is also a great friend. I never knew that was always the case. When you grow up you always think that when you turn 18 you will move out and live your life, coming back home for the holidays and such. Well that didnt happen for me anyways, but My mom has always welcomed any of us home. There were times i didnt get why she was so nice to so many people. People i didnt always want around but she always said, thats not up to you, God told me to do and so you can talk to him. Guess you cant really argue with that statement.
It is also a testament to my mom that the kids she used to babysit, still come around now. They now can drive and still wanna spend their friday and saturday night's at the Miller's house. I never knew how popular our house was until they show up and stay here. I guess if you could have all the laughs and good food you could handle, i'd wanna be there too.
She has been an example to younger women/mom's , probably more then she even realizes. She speaks with boldness yet with kindness at the same time. There have been phone calls made to her with crying people on the other line and she calms them and gets them back on track. She has a heart of Gold and I know that someday when she gets to heaven there is going to be a special place for her there.
It amazes me how she doesnt really care about earthly things. She understands that we are just passing thru and if she can spend that money or give something to someone else she will. I cant even count how many people have stayed at our house because they needed a place to go. It is countless and it always seem to be the men who end up here because they have screwed up at home. She doesnt "put them on point" but do know if you come here because you have done something wrong, you will get to hear about it from her.
It is also funny kinda because it seems when those who are doing wrong, know they are, they tend to avoid her LOL Its just funny to me that some are scared of " momma miller". I must say thougth that once they do come and talk to her, they know that they truely do have a great friend and also someone who will pray for them each and everyday, regardless of the situation.
My mom has taught me so much in my life that I dont even know where to begin. I can thank her for teaching me how to talk/listen to both males and females. It has come in handy alot in my life and sometimes i think it is a curse because of it but i also know that someday when i do fine my soul mate, she will be very thankful that my mom took the time to teach me and to also make me read books on relationships/money/kids etc. It is kinda funny that even now my friends will ask me about certain situations because they know that my mom has taught me and if i dont know the answer , she will know.
I know i could go on and on and on about my Mom. Those of you who do know her know what a blessing she is to me and my siblings, but also to each and every one who has come into contact with her. So I want to say Thank you Mom, for always being you and always teaching us the importance of knowing God and showing us through your actions, how we can be Jesus to people who may never have that chance to have anyone else show them who Jesus is.
So to you mom, you know we all love you and like this song says, all you have to do is call ;
Charlie, Katie, Ashley, Johnny, Hannah and Eric and we will be there! Thanks again For not only being my mom, but Our mom!
Now onto a totally different topic, This week i had to make a tough decsion, One that was probably the right decsion, but man it sure doesnt feel like the right descion. I know that the bible says in Jeremiah 29:11 :
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
But some how my heart just hurts more and more. ...Ugh my life....
I know that you are reading this and Do know that i will always care about you and just like the Song i posted earlier, all you have to do is call my name and I'll be there for you. MK
Well hopefully next week will be a great Week. BTW my bball team is 2-2 and we have 3 games next week! Hopefully this will be a great week and we will end up 5-2 by weeks end
Thursday, November 25, 2010
So, since it's Thanksgiving, I will be extremely original and make a list of things I'm thankful for.... b/c I know you all are wondering :P
1. God, of course, who is ever-patient with me, and ever-loving despite the fact I don't deserve it.
2. My family...whether we are related by blood, choice or marriage...I love what each of them brings to my life. I love all of the laughs we've had...the nights we've sat around the kitchen or livingroom @ Mom and Dad's...
2a. Dave...who I am especially grateful for b/c he has to put up with me the most, and does it so graciously :)
2b. My kids... who remind me what an honor and responsibility it is to raise children to be great, and who also remind me not to take myself too seriously :) And at the same time remind me how little control I actually have over life.
3. My friends...(which I am lucky enough to say also includes my siblings...) the old ones, the new ones, the ones who text me when I'm lazing about keeping in touch, the ones who commiserate with me over similar stupid things we did as teenagers, the ones who stay up late and chat when I can't sleep and don't want to get any work done...the ones who are up early when I'm ready to pull my hair out by 8:30am :)...the list is endless! And I'm thankful for each one and the place they have in my life.
4. A garage...after living in apartments for almost 5 years, I am *so* thankful that I don't have to try to rush two kids through the cold rain to get into the car...and I can't wait to not have to scrape ice off of the car (who am I kidding? I think I've scraped ice off a car once in my life... another reason I am thankful for my dad and husband!! I am totally the person who will sit in the car until the defrost clears the windows...I don't like being cold, what can I say?)
5. A house!!! I still look around at my house, and am amazed that it's mine (and Dave's, too :P) I remember telling Dave he had a month to find the perfect house that we didn't have to fix, b/c I didn't want to have to move into a fixer-upper being 8 mo. pregnant. First house we went into was *the* house, and 2 months later, we got the keys to the perfect house for us! :)
6. Craig Ferguson and the Secretariat dance...esp. when it includes Tom Selleck.
Skip to 2:45...hilarious!
I realize my list is becoming a novel... so I will try to condense the rest :P
7. Good books... :)
8. Computers & Cell phones
9. My church and the people I've met there
10. Exclamation Points & Emoticons
11. Making popcorn & watching movies with Dave
12. Staying up late!
13. COFFEE!!! ( I have totally become one of *those* people...sad, I is my dependency.)
14. The rare mornings I wake up before my kids and the house is quiet
15. naptime :)
16. Memories that make me smile
17. Triple Creme Brie (to die for!)
18. fuzzy socks
19. Snow!! (until the day after Christmas...) and summertime :)
20. The fact that I live in a country where I don't have to agree with everyone (or anyone, for that matter), and I can worship Who I want in whatever manner I want.
Phew! Done :) So what are you thankful for?
I hope everyone has an awesome day with lots of love and good food ( I am totally excited about the pumpkin trifle in my mother-in-law's fridge)!
PS. Lions are no longer winning :P
Monday, November 22, 2010
I know I was going to write about different topics, but this week has been crazy and I dont think my opinion on anything would be appreciated right now!
I went home last week to get a wisdom tooth taken out, and just to hang out and see my family. I had an amazing time and already miss my friends and family very much! God spoke to me a lot about my future while I was home. I'm learning to rely on Him to provide me the comfort I need in different situations where humans can't even begin to bring comfort. How do people get through things without God? I just don't understand.
On Thursday morning during my quiet time, I was praying and just asking God to do something each week that could be a testimony for me. Friday while I was working at my Dad's work, his 2 friends came to see me and gave me $120!! I hadn't even prayed about the money I needed! Then on Sunday, while praying about how much I should give for tithe, 15 or 20, I felt God telling me it was ok to give 15, so I did. Later on, my dad gave me a $20 "just in case I'd need it". God is so good to me, even in the hard times when I don't pray about the money I need, the things I want, or the problems I'm thinking too hard about. God also used my mom to bless me with a lot of new clothes! (There are some things that I definitely needed new of.) And, I got most, if not everything, on sale!
So, needless to say, God and I had quite the week together =) Last Monday I got a wisdom tooth cut out. I was awake the whole time. Before I went in, I had prayed so hard that I wouldn't feel a thing and that I would have peace through it all. The dentist was awesome and numbed me ALOT, and even gave me extra shots just to make sure. I didn't feel any of it and he was done in 20 minutes! I was so at peace that through the whole thing I was just singing worship songs in my head. As I was praying half way through, I began to think of the dentist as using God's hands to work on my mouth. Even thinking that GOD'S hands could be doing all the work in my mouth brought such an amazing amount of peace. I even felt comforted and strangely enough, enjoyed knowing that God was really the one in charge of removing this tooth!
Being close to God is just so amazing. I can't even think of words to describe it. Knowing He cares about little ME just overwhelms me. But shouldn't we all be overwhelmed by God? None of us can even begin to comprehend His love for us! In the Bible it says that His thoughts towards each of us outnumber the grains of sand!!! How awesome is THAT?!?!
Ok, I've got to get going to bed! I hope you all have a wonderful week. Remember to look for God even in the small things, for there you could find Him the most =)
Sunday, November 21, 2010
How would our lives look if we could just be satisfied to be in God's presence? Really think about that. To need absolutely no other source of fulfillment other than Jesus in our days, in our hours and in our minutes. Wow! What a thought! What a goal! The White Witch in our life that tries to inveigle us with this or with that would have no leverage over us because our only desire is Him and what He has to offer us. No hidden agendas, no ulterior motives. Just absolute obedience motivated by a child-like faith rooted in godly love. That is Christianity. That is a life lived in Jesus!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Well i think im going to talk about a friend of mine. This just isnt any ordinary friend to say the least. I met her for the first time this summer while doing basketball camps. You never think that your going to make friends while teaching the game of basketball to those who are from 5th grade up to 8th grade but i did. After the first few days and spending hours and hours in the gym shooting with her and teaching her how to shoot better, it just seems we clicked and that was that. She spent countless hours in the gym, even her mom would show up and she would still wanna stay. (To bad i cant get the Varsity bball players to stay like that )
I dont even know how many hours we spent on the court just shooting and talking life, I think looking back it was more about the talking about life that we enjoyed more so then the basketball. Basketball was just the thing that got us to that point. At that time i was even wondering why i was coaching or if i was even doing a good job.
After having her come back for 3 weeks in a row to be taught and to learn, i knew i was doing the right thing and that i was suppose to continue to coach and teach life lessons to those as well.
The reason I bring her up, she doesnt know im writing about her, thats why im not using her name, but her mom will know who i am talking about. But a day before the basketball season was to start for the girls, i found out that she wasnt going to play. My first thought was "what???" Are you kidding me??? You put all that time in and you are going to be one of the better shooters and your not going to play???.
I think we were both kinda nervous when we did get the chance to talk about why she decided not to play basketball and to do cheerleading instead. She was worried that i would be upset because of all the time we spent in the gym and what not. But i wasnt. The more we talked about it and how she just wanted something different, something for her. The more i agreed with her. She was truely doing something that she wanted to do and it was because she wanted to do it. How many freshman girls do you know that will say " no, im not gonna do this, im going to do this because i want to, not because someone else wants me to"? I cant think of any right now. She amazes me because she isnt phased by peer-pressure where as so many who are freshman, just wanna fit in and she went her own route. If only more girls her age could see that you can do whatever you want, dont fall into the traps that are set and dont think that you cant change your mind if you dont want to do something.
I know it also helps that she has amazes parents who have supported her in everything she has done. She is an amazes girl and i know that People will follow her as she gets older cause they will want what she has.
Well thats my blog for the week, to sum it up, if you dont wanna go with the flow, then dont, Be true to yourself and that will truely make you happy. Until next week i hope to tell you that my bball team is 4-0 and that we had a great thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
Ill leave you with this video for the week
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Fair or not?
Happy Hump Day!!
(I think we're missing a few posts... mmhmm Han and Dave
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The back-up plan
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Someca Berthea
Well Today is a day i will never forget for as long as i live. Today is the day that i lost not only my best friend, my soulmate, lover , but also my fiance. 2 years ago today i lost Someca to cancer. She was more then just a woman, but a great woman.
She was an only child and the oldest of all the grandkids, which by now could be over 30. She loved God always and then family. She loved kids and so badly wanted some of her own. Ill never forget the phone call telling me that she had cancer. She was always a fighter and i knew she would beat this disease. Cancer had no shot of beating My Someca.
Ill never forget on Nov. 13th at around 3am. Someca had started to make some noises, which she hadnt for some time. People thought it was because maybe she was in pain, but it was because she was trying to talk to me. Every night that Someca was in the hospital starting back on Sept 1st of that year, we would always talk every night from about 3-4:30 am or so. It was when she would wake up asking for water and i would go out and get her fresh water, because after all , she wanted ice n her cup. I would do that and then we would just talk about life in general. Talk about what we wanted to do when she got out of the hospital and what not. Then at around 4:30 or so we would both fall back asleep until they would come in at 7 am to take her vitals. So on that Morning, she started making noises and so i of course was right beside her, she she just talked, i didnt understand what she was saying, but she knew. I wonder at times what she was saying and maybe someday ill get the chance to find out when i see her in heaven again. But she knew what she was saying and thats all that matter.
So then at around 4:15 or so is when she took her last breath. I couldnt believe she was gone. I just held her for a few mins as the reality set in that i would never be able to hold her again, never be able to tell her that i love her again, hear her laugh or hold her hand when we walked down by Old Sac and infront of the river. I took her hands and i placed them together and i kissed her good-bye and walked out of the room.
This by far was/has been the hardest day of my life. I was always raised to be strong and I was and have been for lots and lots of people , but this day was about me and i didnt know what to do or how to even cope. I still dont to this day have it figured out. I wish i did, but i dont. As i sit here crying, i think back to the happy times and i look at our pics that we had taken and we were so full of life. I want that back again, i just have to figure out how to get it back. Sure i have that on the outside, because thats who i am. Im Charlie Miller, the one who can solve anything, listens to any problem, has advice for any problem and is a happy go lucky guy. Thats on the outside. The inside is what kills me all the time. I cant get past that God has a bigger and better plan. I had it all. I had the plan. I had a woman who loved me more then anything. Loved me for who i am and not for who i was. She loved me for me and i couldnt of asked for anyone better for me.
I know that someday i will be able to use this experince to help someone else, cause thats all ive done in my life. I just hate to think that this could all happen again to me.
The next 8 days after Someca's death were pretty hard. The day she died i finally went home and went to bed. That night my mom had opened our fridge in the apartment and realised that everything was moldy, i guess that happens when u dont live there for 3 months. We ended up going to Walmart around 11 pm and i remember putting stuff in the cart that i would never eat. I was walking around walmart and aimlessly because i had no direction. i didnt know what to do or even say. The one person who i loved more then anything had been taken from and yet i was suppose to believe that this was all in God's plan. To this day i still struggle with that and still get into arguments with God over the situtation, yet i know God will always be God and he will always be right. Its just part of the process i guess.
Of course i spoke at Someca's funeral, why wouldnt i ? some people couldnt believe that i wanted to speak and yet others knew that i would have it no other way then to speak. She was my world for almost 4 yrs and for most of that we spent at doctor's appointments and the hospital. I knew i was suppose to speak, just wasnt sure if i would be able to speak for not. I cried as i closed her casket for the last time and then i couldnt stop crying. I cried through the whole service. I got up to speak and the tears stopped and i spoke, probablly the best i have ever spoke. Someca had always said that when she died, she didnt want a long sermon. she didnt want people sitting around for hours listening to someone talk about her who didnt know her. I kept it short and sweet and i know she would of been proud.
After the service we went to the graveside, where she was laid to rest by her grandma. The woman who she looked up to more then anyone. The woman who she wanted to be and Someca you were her, by far. I remember carrying her casket, because back in Jan of 2008 i told her that i was with her until the day she died and i would lay her to rest, whether that be in 1 month or in 50 yrs, she wasnt gonna get rid of me. Well as i was getting ready to pick up the casket, i didnt have any white gloves. Her uncle Aaron gave me one of his and to this day i still carry it in my bible. Me and him will forever be linked because he kept his one glove and i got mine.
She was lowered into the ground and i just sat there, still in shock that a 34 yr old woman, who had never been sick , had just been put into the ground all because of cancer. Someca was an amazing woman and ill never forgot how on one of the trips back to IL she took the time to teach my mom and sister how to crochet blankets. Because of that people now have blankets who wouldnt of had them other wise. She was such a sweet and loving spirit.
I Will miss you Someca, i know that you are in heaven with your grandma and uncle, your prolly running with the kids and talking to your grandma about all the times you had together down here. I love you more then words can say or ever say. I hope i made you proud and continue to make you pround. I know someday i will see you again and i cant wait for that day. I cant believe its been 2 years, it feels like yesterday when we first met at the Indy Airport. There isnt a day thats gone by where i dont think about it and wonder what might have been. I do thank God that i got to be apart of your life even for the short time it was. You taught me to be myself and that by being myself people will be drawn to me and love me for me. I thank you and i miss you once again Someca Berthea.
Sorry dear readers :)
I've been a slacker!! But this has been a crazy week, ending with a sick 5-month old (although, thankfully, her fever is gone, so I'm hoping she's on the mend!!) So I just wanted to write a quick note w/ my excuses, and promise to do better next week..... esp. since next Thursday, I will be on my way to Champaign to see HARRY POTTER!!!!!!! at midnight with the baby sister and our that tradition :) I'm already mourning the end of the Harry Potter movies....only one left after this one!!
Song of the Week........ "The Harry Potter Theme song" aka "Hedwig's Theme" haha :) Don't hate.
This song gives me happy chills :) (I know....totally showing my nerd colors here) The best part of seeing the HP movies at midnight is when this song starts playing, and you can *feel* the excitement go through the crowd of your equally nerdy fellow HP fans.... *sigh* I can't wait!!!!
Until next week, then....and sorry again for being such a slacker :)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Nothing like a good book!
One of those goals is to read more. And not just read more, but read more books that will help me in some way! I use to *hate* reading. I actually didn't read one book all through high school! I would start them, or try and start them at least, and just have any interest at all, and toss it somewhere.
I have a new found love for reading. It's some how relaxing. I am currently reading 3 books! "The Love of her Life" By: Harriot Evans, "Eat Pray Love" By: Elizabeth Gilbert (the movie comes out this month on dvd! Yah!) and "The Five Love Languages" By: Gary Chapman! What a mix hu? All are very good books! "The Love of Her Life" is about a girl named Katie Miller! It's a very catchy, motivating book! "Eat Pray Love" is just amazing and makes me want to travel even more than I already do! It really has me intrigued in how other religions/beliefs pray. I have just begun "The Five Love Languages"!
"The Five Love Languages" is what I wanted to dig into a little bit in this blog. I chose this book not only because I have heard a lot about it, but also because I thought it would be a challenge for me. I'm always up for a challenge, something to make me want to change the way I am or the way I think about something. I am only on the third chapter, but I am already having a "battle" with it. It talks about how the "honeymoon" stage only last up to 2 years, and that the "in love feeling" isn't real. I really don't agree with these statements (and a few others that are tied in i.e. "One who is in love is not genuinely interested in fostering the personal growth of the other person"... maybe they mean "infatuated"?)). Sure, you aren't going to feel that "in love" feeling EVERY day, and WHO would be in love with some one and NOT want to be after your loves best interest and WANT to see that person grow?? I have seen couples through out my life that are in their latter years in life and still crazy in love.
I.E. when I was 17 I had to have emergency surgery. I don't remember everything about that experience; However, I remember being taken into the hospital (from dad's car) in a wheelchair by this older lanky, but well dressed man. I remember him stopping at the front desk to "check in" and find out what room I needed to go to. He walked in front of me and looked down the hall and blew a kiss. I couldn't see who it was to, but he walked back over and said "that was to the love of my life... my wife". I remember, as much pain as I was in, smiling and thinking "That's so sweet! There's hope!" He went on to tell me that they had been married for 50 some years and he's still crazy about her like when he first met her. {Bam! Myth breaker! haha}
I really don't think that people can write books as if everyone is the same and it's a fact or the only way of life! I'm a little sceptical about reading the rest of this based on what I have read so far... Should I finish it?
Happy Hump Day!!!! Wynsten is getting so big!!!


Self Discipline
I have found that when I am disciplined in one area of my life, it carries over to many other, completely unrelated aspects of my life. When I take the time to read my Bible in the morning, I am better about what I eat, I'm more careful with my money, and I'm better with my attitude altogether.
The opposite is also true. When I am undisciplined in any area, it also carries over. I wonder why that is. Why my personality is put together the way that it has been. I guess I am simply one of those people where everything is intertwined together.
Disciplining a child is one of the hardest things I have ever done. On its surface, it's not a crazy concept. But there are so many variables involved, and I'm continuing to learn on the job with Noah. I ask myself questions all the time like "Is this really worth fighting over?" "How big of a deal should I make this?" "What is the proper discipline for this action?" And all of these decisions need to be made in such a split second. Such a quick thought. It's hard. Even harder than self-discipline for me.
Not really sure where I was going with this post, other than getting my thoughts out there. If you have any advice, I'd love to hear it. Have a great week!
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Triple Threat
Well Its my time again. It is Officailly 11:50 pm on a Saturday night. Here I am home for the first night since Thursday. The Link I have enclosed is Regulators by Warren G. Prolly the first rap song i knew by heart and today it is still a hit. Well i have many topics to discuss tonight so lets just dive right in.
Im going to write this topic in Purple. You might ask why and the reason is Thats the Color for Domestic Violence. Its been an interesting week for me in the sense of this topic. I found out a friend of mine, who happen to also be my Prof. last semester had finally decided to leave her husband because he had been physically, verbally and emotionally abusing her. I felt so bad for her when she finally said something about it. I felt bad because I knew something was up when we first started class and I just couldnt put my finger on it. Something just didnt add up when she was telling us about how life used to be and how she got to where she was. I was conflicted because as a student do i say anything or not? Maybe i should have and maybe i shouldnt have. In the end she made the best descion she could have. She sought help. At first she was weary because she felt like everyone would think bad of her or tell her she should of left sooner. The best you can do is support them in their descions and when they have finally had enough they will make their choice to leave and will need all of the help they can get. She has been surprised at how many women have said " that happened to me too so many years ago". Its so sad to me that women get with the man of their dreams only to find out that they are Docter Jeykal in Mr. Hydes body. My heart does go out to her , but she is a strong woman and i know she will be able to do it for her and her precious little daughter.
This paragraph will be in red. This will be for my other friend this week who also decided enough was enough and told her boyfriend to go after he had been caught again using drugs. Of course some will say , well she should stay for support and to help him. The best help this man can get is to get into a rehad clinic. I dont blame her. We actually had a talk about this guy before she started dating him. He said all the right things and said he had been clean and what not. You get the point. Well she gave him a chance and he screwed it up, she then said ok one more chance and he blew that too.( no pun intended) She is in the process of moving out and i commend her for taking a stand. Enough is enough with both abuse and drug abuse. Not only does she have to worry about herself, but she too has a daughter that she needs to look out for. So i commend her once again for making the right choice and saying" Im better then this" and moving on in her life.
I guess i will go blue with the final paragraph/topic of my triple threat. That is on Monday Highschool Boys Basketball starts. Im beyond excited for 6 am. I know right, your thinking he is nuts. Maybe i am but i also know that some of these kids have put in over 100 hours in the gym this summer and im going to make sure it pays off for them. They are excited and we have high hopes for this years basketball team. We want to be Regional Champs this year and i believe we can do it. We will have the best backcourt in the area and one of the most dominate Big men and he is only a Sophmore.
Finally, I wouldnt be a gamer if i didnt mention that on Tuesday morning at 12:01 am another great game will be for sale. Warning *now, if you have a husband, boyfriend, fiance or just some guy friends you prolly wont hear from them for atleast a week or so *
So that is my Warning for all of you. Who dont play the game. Ill be online for the PS3 and My name is XxDeadlyCamperxX . If you think your Good come and we will just have to find out.
So its been a busy week and to wrap things up or i guess to sum them up. If you or someone you know if in an Abusive relationship, continue to be there friend and encourage them to get out of that kind of relationship. They may hate you at the time, but when they decide for themselves they will need all of the support they can get. So dont give up on them!
Hope everyone has a Great week and I will talk to you all next Saturday.
Friday, November 05, 2010
Convictions....& Justin Bieber for Johnny
As Dave previously mentioned, elections were this week. Now, those of you who know me, know I am not one to shy away from sharing my opinions... and I have lots of them. And I'm pretty unapologetic about it, too--besides, I'll listen to your opinion, too! Even if I disagree. Though in the last few years, I have tried to be more graceful and kind about sharing my opinion, and have tried to not share my opinion with people I'm more likely to offend... because my goal really isn't to hurt anyone's feelings, because I don't want to turn anyone off to Jesus. (And I have to admit, the listening to a dissenting opinion is a skill recently acquired :))
But I digress...back to elections. I used to love to get into conversations with people over politics.... I love to argue politics...politicians... platforms... *ahhh* It makes me happy :) Actually, I just love a good argument. Two people just going back and forth on political issues....*sigh* It takes a real friend (or just a great arguer...) to argue politics and not get offended or want to not be your friend anymore...There's just something about getting your blood flowing...talking fast...using your mind...ya know, fun stuff :) But sorry--that's another tangent (lots of tangents today!! I really do have a point--somewhere).
So, a few years ago, when I wasn't crazy about a politician or their politics (or really, any leader I wasn't crazy about in general), I would share my not-so-kind opinion about them without any hesitancy. Well, a few years ago (oh, around the time Obama was elected), I found this verse:
Romans 13:1-2" Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves."
Um....OUCH?? The first part of this verse that kicked me in the behind was the phrase "everyone must submit himself" says I can't avoid that right off the bat...and must submit me, that says you CHOOSE to put yourself under their authority... So, this is a choice God is telling us to make. Deep breath. I can do this, right? I mean...humans make mistakes, and politicians, in particular, are elected by I can bedrudgingly obey their laws while hating them and bashing them along the way...
But here's the thing that really got me and completely changed my thoughts and habits... the Bible verses don't say that God allowed sinful humans to put these authorities into place.... it clearly says GOD ESTABLISHED every authority--and no authority is present that God did not specifically put into place. Another ouch....
So, how have I changed? Well, I won't always agree with politicians or policies... They may even stand directly against everything I believe in...but I can always agree with God. And I can trust Him. Trust that He has a good reason for establishing each and every leader that is in authority over me--regardless of whether those reasons are clear to me or not.
Most practically, I can talk respectfully of the leaders that are over me... that I am choosing to submit to...and do it graciously. I think a lot of Christians think that if a leader's beliefs contrast with their own, or they are not a Christian, or are a Democrat, etc., then they are free to speak out against them in any fashion they choose. And sadly, that just isn't true. Sure, we can (respectfully) disagree with their policies and politics, but we can not insult them--regardless.
It isn't easy for me, especially when a politician pushes for something that makes my blood boil, but it's a matter of discipline and choice--one that I'm reminded of every time the election results come in, and someone I don't like is elected. Now, instead of screaming at the tv (It's like a football game...watching the results come across the screen:)), I can begin praying for them...and it's awfully hard to hate someone you continually pray for.
So, this week, in the aftermath of the most recent elections, I encourage you all to pay attention to the way you speak (or post on facebook) about our leaders and politicians....and pray for them :) Heap burning ashes on their heads, ya know? ;)
Until next week, then, my friends... I leave you with Justin Bieber.... b/c even though I have never listened to one of his songs all the way through, I am completely in love with the (American?) Music Awards commercial where all of the bikers dance to his song "Baby" play on, on. (dedicated to Johnny--feel better quick!!!:))
Thursday, November 04, 2010
A Sweet Potatoe a Day!
Sweet Potatoes are my topic today! Random, I know! In the midst of all the "summer cleaning out" I have been doing, I have been putting some thought into my "New Years Resolution(s)". I pulled out my list that I made last year, and to my surprise I did quite well! (minus a few McChickens from McDonalds! haa)
SO one of the things that I am really work towards is eating better! I know... does anyone ever completely accomplish this?! I mean, really? So what I am going to try and do is pick out 10 or 15 (not sure yet) items of food that are really good for you and I'm going to try and incorporate them in my diet. I am going to research them and try and learn new ways to eat/cook them! Sweet potatoes are so good for you! (not to mention delicious!) I *love* sweet potato fries! (not that that's the healthiest form=). I attached a link for you to read about how all the ways sweet potatoes can benefit you!
Well I am off to enjoy the rain! Hope you guys are having a good week!
(I'm posting this late because I was so busy yesterday at work (which is normally where I blog) I planned on blogging at home... but my internet wasn't working at home... booo)
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
How can you NOT vote?
I had the honor to vote tonight. I always have a smile on my face when I walk out of the polling place because I view it as a privledge to cast my vote.
There are websites that give you the ability to research every candidate that's on your local ballot. It took me half an hour to research EVERY vote that I cast today. And you know what, I voted for candidates from 3 different political parties. Why? Because they were the best candidate for the position and best reflected the political positions that I identify with.
There is NO excuse for not voting. It is essential to our freedom as Americans. You can't watch the video reactions of Iraqi men and women who are voting in FREE and FAIR elections for the first time, and not go vote.
If you are able to get a polling place, over the age of 18, and don't vote, you cheapen your American citizenship. And that's a shame.
I look forward to your comments and opinions. God Bless America
Monday, November 01, 2010
The past few weeks have flown by! Things have been crazy busy, and sometimes just plain crazy.
Sadly, two of the students in the DTS here decided to go home this past weekend =(. Its been a very rough weekend for the whole base and encouragement was running really low until today. Doubt was spreading like wildfire!! We started praying over the remaining students and just encouraging them as much as possible.
Today, I got to go to the Georgia Dome with David and Jarvis (two of our staff). We helped with a massive event they had there today! The event is called Get Motivated! Bill Cosby and several other awesome speakers were there to give 20 minute speeches. I met some guys there, and as always, they're the boys in rehab =p I think there's just a magnetic force field between me and "rehab" or "disciplinary school" guys! It's not MY fault...
They are actually in a 12 month discipleship program. Its hardcore Christian, which I wasn't all for, since they do force the guys into religion. However, I was so excited and encouraged to hear their testimonies and to hear the way that God has changed them! I wish every Christian had their passion for others. They even said that if we all lived treating others as they were better than us, that the world would be a better place. And it would be!! They really encouraged me, I was so thankful God allowed us to meet, it was awesome!
Next week, we are taking every one on our base to the YWAM Southeast Conference! I am pretty stoked about it! After that, we're staying in Orlando for the YWAM 50th Celebration! We get to meet the founders of YWAM, how awesome!!! I think next week will be really good for our students, and for us staff who don't always get poured into spiritually. What a joy it will be to be surrounded by 600 YWAMers who love and worship the same God that I do =) I'm already planning to be blessed just by the people we are going to meet, and the ones we will be reunited with!
The day after we get back from the Conference, I fly HOME!!!!!!! I am soooooooo excited!!!! I cannot wait to see my mama and my babies! (my dogs, and YES, they are my babies =D) And I'm excited to see the rest of my family and my bestays that I have missed so much! I'm hoping that while I'm home I will get come clarity from God as to what comes next and when it is coming. If I am supposed to stay here, I need God to clarify that and to give me the support I need....emotionally and financially! I've been worn out lately and have cried too many times...yuck!
After next week, I'm going to start writing on topics instead of just givng updates of my life. I love researching and giving my opinion on certain things =) I'm pretty STOKED! Since I wont be writing next week, I hope you guys have a great couple of weeks!