Seven siblings... Seven blogs.... over Seven days...

Thursday, November 25, 2010


It's Thanksgiving!!! (for anyone living under a rock...) I love Thanksgiving....everyone getting together...being thankful.... gorging on delicious food....taking great naps... and football of course ( I better write quick before it changes, but the Lions are actually winning!:P)

So, since it's Thanksgiving, I will be extremely original and make a list of things I'm thankful for.... b/c I know you all are wondering :P 

1. God, of course, who is ever-patient with me, and ever-loving despite the fact I don't deserve it.

2. My family...whether we are related by blood, choice or marriage...I love what each of them brings to my life. I love all of the laughs we've had...the nights we've sat around the kitchen or livingroom @ Mom and Dad's...

     2a. Dave...who I am especially grateful for b/c he has to put up with me the most, and does it so graciously :)

     2b. My kids... who remind me what an honor and responsibility it is to raise children to be great, and who also remind me not to take myself too seriously :) And at the same time remind me how little control I actually have over life.

3. My friends...(which I am lucky enough to say also includes my siblings...) the old ones, the new ones, the ones who text me when I'm lazing about keeping in touch, the ones who commiserate with me over similar stupid things we did as teenagers, the ones who stay up late and chat when I can't sleep and don't want to get any work done...the ones who are up early when I'm ready to pull my hair out by 8:30am :)...the list is endless! And I'm thankful for each one and the place they have in my life.

4. A garage...after living in apartments for almost 5 years, I am *so* thankful that I don't have to try to rush two kids through the cold rain to get into the car...and I can't wait to not have to scrape ice off of the car (who am I kidding? I think I've scraped ice off a car once in my life... another reason I am thankful for my dad and husband!! I am totally the person who will sit in the car until the defrost clears the windows...I don't like being cold, what can I say?)

5. A house!!! I still look around at my house, and am amazed that it's mine (and Dave's, too :P) I remember telling Dave he had a month to find the perfect house that we didn't have to fix, b/c I didn't want to have to move into a fixer-upper being 8 mo. pregnant. First house we went into was *the* house, and 2 months later, we got the keys to the perfect house for us! :)

6. Craig Ferguson and the Secretariat dance...esp. when it includes Tom Selleck.
Skip to 2:45...hilarious!

I realize my list is becoming a novel... so I will try to condense the rest :P

7. Good books... :)

8. Computers & Cell phones

9. My church and the people I've met there

10. Exclamation Points & Emoticons

11. Making popcorn & watching movies with Dave

12. Staying up late!

13. COFFEE!!! ( I have totally become one of *those* people...sad, I is my dependency.)

14. The rare mornings I wake up before my kids and the house is quiet

15. naptime :)

16. Memories that make me smile

17. Triple Creme Brie (to die for!)

18. fuzzy socks

19. Snow!! (until the day after Christmas...) and summertime :)

20. The fact that I live in a country where I don't have to agree with everyone (or anyone, for that matter), and I can worship Who I want in whatever manner I want.

Phew! Done :) So what are you thankful for?

I hope everyone has an awesome day with lots of love and good food ( I am totally excited about the pumpkin trifle in my mother-in-law's fridge)!


PS. Lions are no longer winning :P


  1. Nice to see you add a video :) and yeah those late night chats could become a best seller any day

  2. Thanks for telling me how!! It worked! (obviously)

  3. I love your list!!! Those are awesome things to be grateful for. You'll have to let me know how the pumpkin trifle is cuz I saw a recipe for one and want to try it sometime. Maybe when I come to visit I could bake you guys something delicious!!!!

  4. Yah! Your list made me laugh.. and feel good... I think we have similar haha. I agree with Jamie!! We should make it when she is here!
