Seven siblings... Seven blogs.... over Seven days...

Monday, November 01, 2010


Hey Y'all!
The past few weeks have flown by! Things have been crazy busy, and sometimes just plain crazy.

Sadly, two of the students in the DTS here decided to go home this past weekend =(. Its been a very rough weekend for the whole base and encouragement was running really low until today. Doubt was spreading like wildfire!! We started praying over the remaining students and just encouraging them as much as possible.

Today, I got to go to the Georgia Dome with David and Jarvis (two of our staff). We helped with a massive event they had there today! The event is called Get Motivated! Bill Cosby and several other awesome speakers were there to give 20 minute speeches. I met some guys there, and as always, they're the boys in rehab =p I think there's just a magnetic force field between me and "rehab" or "disciplinary school" guys! It's not MY fault...
They are actually in a 12 month discipleship program. Its hardcore Christian, which I wasn't all for, since they do force the guys into religion. However, I was so excited and encouraged to hear their testimonies and to hear the way that God has changed them! I wish every Christian had their passion for others. They even said that if we all lived treating others as they were better than us, that the world would be a better place. And it would be!! They really encouraged me, I was so thankful God allowed us to meet, it was awesome!

Next week, we are taking every one on our base to the YWAM Southeast Conference! I am pretty stoked about it! After that, we're staying in Orlando for the YWAM 50th Celebration! We get to meet the founders of YWAM, how awesome!!! I think next week will be really good for our students, and for us staff who don't always get poured into spiritually. What a joy it will be to be surrounded by 600 YWAMers who love and worship the same God that I do =) I'm already planning to be blessed just by the people we are going to meet, and the ones we will be reunited with!

The day after we get back from the Conference, I fly HOME!!!!!!! I am soooooooo excited!!!! I cannot wait to see my mama and my babies! (my dogs, and YES, they are my babies =D) And I'm excited to see the rest of my family and my bestays that I have missed so much! I'm hoping that while I'm home I will get come clarity from God as to what comes next and when it is coming. If I am supposed to stay here, I need God to clarify that and to give me the support I need....emotionally and financially! I've been worn out lately and have cried too many times...yuck!

After next week, I'm going to start writing on topics instead of just givng updates of my life. I love researching and giving my opinion on certain things =) I'm pretty STOKED! Since I wont be writing next week, I hope you guys have a great couple of weeks!



  1. They may force them into "religion", but they have to choose Jesus. Stay away from the rehab boys, Nan.:P

    BUT I do have to say I *love* the idea of treating others as if they were better than us... it's easy to treat people as if you're better than them; it's much harder to treat them (and think of them) as if they were better than you.

    I can NOT wait to see you!!! Even if you mentioned the dogs before seeing your siblings.... I won't be offended. *hugs*

  2. Yaaah!!! What's up with THAT!? The DOGS first?!?! sniff sniff =( (although I *totally* understand now that I have one =) and btw.... your dog hates mine!!!! BOOO!! Oliver loves him though =)
    BTW I MISS YOU!!!! *WHISTLE* We need to plan a sibling night... asap!!!
    Buut I like the updates about you/what you're doing! Don't leave that out!
    <3 *WHISTLE* me =)

  3. oh yah and ps NO REHAB BOYS!!!!

  4. two people left?!? you had better call me when you get a minute. :)
