Seven siblings... Seven blogs.... over Seven days...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Another Monday.'s yet another Monday. In the past week, I have been through so many plans changing, I don't think I will believe it if I hear one more person say "and that is final" or "consider it taken care of". I saw my dentist last Monday and he wanted me to get my bottom wisdom teeth removed ASAP (Don't all dentists?) So I tried working things out to get it done in Illinois, but the awesome dentist decided to take a vacation. Thanks, Doc! Or...Den! Anyways, then me and my mother discussed the possibility of her coming down here so I could have it done here. Another fail. Finally, the dentist in Illinois said he would do it right after vacation. Alas, I will be getting one of my bottom wisdom teeth removed NOVEMBER 15th. Yippee.

Another lame thing, I found a flight home for $57 (which was AWESOME) however, I had already had a round trip that my awesome sister had purchased for me. I called the airline and asked if I could still use the return flight if I skipped the 1st one. FAIL. I cannot. So now the debate comes in, what should I do? I definitely don't want that money to go to waste, but I have to get home early for my tooth. UGH. I vote that I just write to the President of the certain airline and file a complaint =D. Do I deal with things well under pressure or in a *hopeless* situation? Not at all. I haven't called the airline back yet to even figure something out. The thought of it just overwhelms me and I quit.

On a positive note, I DO get to go home! I miss my family and friends back home so incredibly much. I cannot wait to see my MOLLY!!!!! and Tasia, and Kim, and Gret! I miss my doggies too! Even the one that's now ugly thanks to his haircut by the "professionals". Home Sweet Home, I cannot wait. I have been counting the days!!!! I do like it here, but it's just not like home =/.

One thing I don't understand...why do people refuse to accept advice from people who have been in the EXACT same situation before? People who know what works, and what doesn't in that situation. Heaven forbid people HUMBLE themselves and accept an opinion that could help them.

Another thing I cannot stand - children who get away with things just because the parents don't have the energy to discipline them. Do they not realize how much trouble they are making for themselves by not disciplining them now? Good gracious, I can't wait to see those rebellious teens =)

Okay, I really do have a good attitude today, just needed to get those things out of my system =D Overall, my week was alrite, but I am glad that it is a new week! Tomorrow is base day, which is my favorite day of the week! I am so excited for it and looking forward to it as I go to bed tonight! I'm praying for my family and friends tonight, so be comforted in that =D I love and miss you all!


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