Seven siblings... Seven blogs.... over Seven days...

Thursday, October 07, 2010

It's my turn!!! YAY!!! :)

Evening :)

So...for the last few years, I've been working off-and-on on a book...which is probably something I could say since I was about 10, when I maxed out the memory of our very first computer (can anyone say neon green letters and a single kilobyte?) with my "stories" (at least that is my memory of the death of that computer, anyway).

Back to the present... Just recently, I actually laid out the entire plot of the story I'm working on--which is a huge deal for me, b/c I'm a completely fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants (If anyone knows where that phrase came from, I'd love to know) type of writer--so to actually sit down and do the entire timeline felt really good.

My worst curse in regards to my writing is that I get an idea in my head, and just dive-in full-force... then 100 pages later, my plots die sad, pathetic deaths. They lose direction, I lose interest, and voila: deleted. So, I am cautiously optimistic that, since I know exactly where my story is going to end up, I may actually finish the thing. But I make no promises....

On a completely unrelated note, we went to the Olive Garden (have you ever thought about its name? With a name like that, you'd think I'd get more than 2 olives in my salad...just sayin') for dinner tonight. I am a shameless eavesdropper (oh, like you aren't) , and tonight was especially entertaining...

There was a couple sitting near us...probably our age...2nd date maybe? They sit down, and before they can even order drinks, the guy gets on his phone. I'm not sure what the whole deal was...but someone is a first-time home buyer, and the guy talking was late paying rent...something about a landlord...yada yada...he kept talking as if he had completely forgotten he was on a date... the silence after he (finally!) hung up was super awkward... but fun to watch :P 

The other conversation was my favorite of the night... two girls talking... mostly going over the one girl's wedding plans (bride-to-be's advice? Keep the toasts under 3 minutes! Otherwise she "gets bored listening to people rehash their entire relationship with the bride and groom" cheery, hu?) And among other topics....

1. It's okay not to shower, as long as it doesn't get so bad that someone notices...

2. Showering does not occur on Tuesdays or Thursdays... still not exactly sure WHY

3. She is the coolest camp counselor EVER because she took 3 leftover-from-last-summer Snickers and put them on the bullseyes of the archery targets and whoever managed to hit them with a bow got to eat them...yum

4. Wedding-day itineraries can not be in time increments smaller than 30 minutes...

5. She had a camper named Jake... but she saw him and thought he looked like a Chazz... so that's what she called him all summer. She also kicked his butt in archery.

6. She likes getting her hair highlighted b/c it takes awhile, so she has lots of time to talk to her hairstylist... b/c she's "kind of chatty"...

So...thanks,Olive Garden... for 2 olives and free entertainment...

That is all for now... b/c I have a new book waiting for I shall return to ramble some more next week!! :)


PS. For the record, let it be noted that Noah "did not lay on his pillow at 9:14" (which is what he's hollering up the stairs right 9:27).


  1. Yah for writing books! I need to step it up with mine also!!!! I wanted to have it published on my 30th Birthday!

  2. I'd be happy just FINISHING mine!! lol. Dave promised if I finished mine he'd let me go to this writer's conference I want to go to.... it's like $600, but you get to meet with publishing houses and editors, etc. and have your work critiqued! Plus there are tons of workshops taught by authors, editors. SO I hafta get to work! :P
