Seven siblings... Seven blogs.... over Seven days...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

“ Commercials….Politicians…Diamonds…and Moments of Silence”

I have never been a huge fan of commercials…and lately, I have found watching TV to be unbearable! Not that I watch it much anyways (and when I do, it’s usually DVR-ed), but in the last few weeks, as election day approaches, local TV channels have been flooded with campaign commercials….

It used to be that politicians would create commercials that outlined what exactly they planned to do with the position they were running for, should they be elected. Now, the only thing commercials are good for is bashing the opponent, and I am SO sick of it! I hate that politicians think the best way to get elected is to prove that their opponent is a worse choice than they are….Shouldn’t we have a better option than the lesser of two evils? I would vote for the most liberal of democrats if they could simply provide voters with a detailed outline of exactly what they planned to do, and how they could accomplish it…and that’s sayin’ a lot!! (And no, Dave, that is not legal grounds for a divorce, honey.)

And another thing about commercials… I would love to watch TV with my 3-year old without seeing a half-naked woman (but heaven forbid a mother try to nurse in public--not that I would, just sayin‘), or a commercial for erectile dysfunction (can’t wait til he’s old enough to ask about that one!) Is nothing sacred anymore??

Sadly, these crappy commercials are still made because they’re successful! If people refused to buy products that were promoted by indecent commercials, maybe companies would try a little harder to sell their product, instead of just having a half-naked woman (aren’t we so glad we’ve been liberated… now we can just degrade ourselves instead of letting men do it! Go us…) standing there telling us to buy something. My favorite commercials are the ones that can have no undertones of any kind, and still make me grin. Like the Mayhem commercials for All-state…the Progressive ones with Flo….
Although, I do have to admit, I cracked up at the Corona commercial where the girls are on the beach and about a hundred footballs land all around them… b/c hasn’t everyone seen that happen at the beach? Guys who would otherwise throw fine suddenly seem to have horrible aim…

Onto another advertising pet peeve…we’ve driven through Chicago a couple times the last few weeks, and there is jewelry company that has new billboards up… the first one I saw had a big diamond ring, and under it was written, “Ahhh… A Moment of Silence”…the second had a huge picture of lips with a diamond in front of them. What was the caption? “That’ll Shut Her Up”.

Seriously!?! I’m not someone who looks for ways to be offended, but that did it. I think that is SO rude! I would never buy a ring from that company--or want someone to buy me one--just because of those billboards. Besides, that’s totally knocking off Ron White‘s stand-up act… Can’t you do any better than that? Hopefully it will completely backfire, and they won’t use them anymore…

Sorry, this blog is late, btw…we had friends over late last night, and after they left I crashed! It was so fun, though! Our little boys are Noah John and Noah Don(ald)… so that made for interesting scolding. Lol.

Plus, Noah recently met another Noah a few weeks ago, so it was hilarious trying to get him to understand which Noah was coming over. Finally we determined that one Noah was from church, and one Noah that he danced with (at my friend’s wedding last weekend… Noah was ALL over the dance floor! I thought we’d have a battle for sure when he had to go home with my parents!) Anyways… when we named him Noah, we had no idea it would be such a popular name for boys his age! I think we’ll have an easier time with Chaney…lol. (that is, if we can get people to understand her name isn’t Janie….:P)

Alright…we are almost to my parents, so I will close now and post this when we get there!! Happy Friday!! 

Song of the week….. One of my all-time favorites…NeedtoBreathe- “Washed By the Water”. They wrote the song after one of the band member’s dads (who I believe is/was a pastor) was falsely accused of sexual harassment. Happy topic, I know, but the song is great!!
Okay…bye for this week!!



  1. Haha, yah! I totally agree. I have seen some CRAZY billboards! I don't watch tv. I never have been a fan of sitting and doing nothing for hours, when I have so much to do! I'm not sure at what age this started, but I remember MAYBE 5 shows I watched as a kid! (correct me if I'm wrong) Saved By The Bell Saturday mornings was great! haha. But yah, I watch ONE show a week plus a little football.... and things like this make me happy that I don't put all the junk in my mind! =)

  2. Just give me a politician that tells the truth and won't BS me. Don't toe the party line, be a (wo)man! Be a Leader!
